The Nevada Chapter

Speaker Tips
The Nevada chapter of RIMS is committed to working with speakers to present the best possible programs for our members. This sheet is provided to give you more information about the Nevada Chapter members and their expectations. We hope this will be helpful as you prepare for your upcoming presentation.
- Be aware that your audience will be diverse. Our members represent governmental entities, insurers, medical providers and services, OCIPs, risk managers, work comp examiners, security surveillance professionals, and marketing professionals. Keep in mind that some businesses do not have the financial resources that others enjoy, so make sure to give examples that all can use.
- Participants are looking for practical, useful information rather than theoretical models. Evaluations reveal that meeting attendees prefer “how-to” information that can be put into practice instantly upon returning to their offices.
- Be specific. Use numbers and examples that are understandable and meaningful. Please do not talk above our member’s heads, and explain the meaning of any jargon or industry specific language used in your presentation.
- Talk about your challenges, and how they were solved on the way to your successes. The process itself is educational as well as the result.
- Make your presentation active. Rather than simply reading the materials from handouts or PowerPoint presentations, involve the audience when appropriate to keep the session lively and interactive. The Nevada chapter of RIMS will have a PowerPoint projector and screen available. You will need to provide you own laptop.
- Please leave time for questions at the end of your presentation by ending at least 5 minutes before the end of your session time. Keep your answers brief and on topic. To keep the Q & A moving, ask the persistent questioner to see you after the session.
- Stick to the time schedule. Begin on time and stop at the end of your time, and practice your session. Audiences know when a presenter is unprepared.
- Provide useful handouts. This allows attendees to focus on your presentation, rather than on note-taking, during the session. When appropriate, include forms, lists of resources or resource persons, or other information that complements your presentation.
- Have fun! This is a wonderful group. They are anxious to discuss new ideas and to learn from your experiences.
Thank you for sharing with our members!